A paycheck contains all your financial details and therefore it should always be kept safe. There are some cases that can, however, not be prevented like theft. When your paycheck is stolen or when it gets lost you should be able to know what you are supposed to do. This means that you should make sure that you protect your information and also money in an event that such tragedy occurs. It is also important to note that you might be subjected to blackmail if your paycheck is stolen and therefore you should not sit back and wait for this to happen. Keep reading to find out more about the security of your paycheck and the steps to follow when your paycheck gets stolen. Follow this link for more info about paycheck stub Is Stolen : https://www.paystubcreator.net/blog/how-to/what-should-i-do-if-my-paycheck-stub-is-stolen.
The first step to take when your paycheck gests stolen is to ensure that you call back. By doing so, you will be able to freeze your account and make sure that no one else apart from you have the access to your finances. You will, without any doubt, make the correct decision when you freeze your account because the person who stole the paycheck had the sole reason of stealing from you. When the accounts have been frozen it tends to become difficult for them to steal. It is also important that you report to the head of your human resource. It is important to note that when you contact the human resource department they will have an upper hand in making sure that they put a stop to your check. In this way, the thief will have a hard time when it comes to banking the check thus their attempt will be a failure. View here for more information about steps to follow when paycheck is stolen.
The next step should be to initiate a fraud alert to your credit card. This means that you will have to report the matter to the nearest police station so that this can be processed. A fraud alert is important because the person who stole your paycheck stub will not be able to use your information in making any payments in stores. It is also important to note that when you issue a credit alert the thieves will not be able to open new credit cards using your name. This means that only you can get the access of getting a new credit card which is more secure. It is therefore important to make sure that you follow these steps whenever you get into such a situation.
For more information, click here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Payroll_automation.